Cough Cough

Forgive the lack of post yesterday but waking up and feeling ill is not the way I planned to start my day.

The pack was ready to go, clothes were out, both ready for their early morning debut.  My body, however, hid behind the curtain.

While I possess no real medical knowledge and cannot even qualify myself as someone with a better than normal understanding of the human immune system, I’m blaming the weather.

That’s right, I’m blaming something else for this one.  Read me out though.

The weather shifted harshly from a Portland cool breeze with rainfall to a Phoenix heat, with no humidity to be felt.  I’m guessing my body was not able to acclimate to these changes enough and I woke with my alarm yesterday morning feeling under the weather.  Despite this, I could not remain under the covers as I had to teach.

Yes, for the insane, I could have just “run it off” and “suck it up” all for the sake of achieving my goal on its opening day.  Illness is not something I enjoy long battles with and opt for the traditional method of resting and taking in fluids to remove the biological intruders.

Flash forward to now, and that is what I am continuing as my course of action for recovery.  Chances are that I will return to health over the weekend and be able to inaugurate my Run to Work program in that time.  In the mean time, I will continue to empathize with Derek Z:

“I think I’m getting the Black Lung . . .

Alright, I hope I’m not but you get the point. But he is really, really ridiculously good looking.

This recovery is only possible with rest, nutrition, and patience; all the basic elements of Simple Strides . . .

~ by Simple Strides on October 28, 2010.

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